Monday, May 3, 2010

Loki Schmidt again in hospital

Hamburg - Loki Schmidt, the wife of former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, once again in the hospital. Like the "Hamburger Abendblatt reported, the 89-year-old had been on Wednesday in the hospital. They are plagued by pain in the lumbar region.
According to Ex-Chancellor Schmidt, who had visited his wife on Friday night at the bedside, go to their "well under the circumstances."
 Loki Schmidt had had in September in the Klinikbehandeln after following a four-hour long night fall helplessly in the bathroom of the shared bungalows inLangenhorn had lain. At that time she was treated with heavy Prellungenund other injuries. For weeks she had undergone einerstrapaziösen Rehabilitationskur to return bewegungsfähigzu be.