Thursday, April 15, 2010

Prima Result: No kids in a coma

Bonn / Siegburg - Significantly fewer young people in a drunken stupor than in recent years - unanimously reported that the authorities in the region of Weiberfastnacht.
The city of Bonn was able to spread the best news: While the paramedics were deployed to 30 missions alcohol. These included but no children or adolescents. The Siegburg police arrived at no drunken kids.
The success story is the officials of public order and police owe who were traveling in a double stripe. They attacked with a hard hand when they found teens with liqueurs. "Without any liquor bottles liquor corpses" was described, his / her approach: In 82 cases the young people themselves had the bottle to pour.
The police registered at Bonn Weiberfastnacht from 11.11 clock to 1000 emergency calls. "That is about twice as many as on normal days," said police spokeswoman Daniela Lindemann, "for the Carnival is not a high figure."
Intervene at a total of 42 cases of assault and fighting had police officers in 20 cases was subsequently initiated a criminal case. Too long had probably held a motorist who was at 23.30 at night, taken out of circulation. He had 1.9 per mille alcohol in his blood. He has his cloth go, even here, criminal proceedings were initiated.
The Siegburg police mastered 131 missions, drew a positive balance. The negative Highlights: Two young men were beating over the traces. In Siegburg opposed to a 17-year-old police, joined a police officers face. The officer suffered a laceration, was hospitalized.
In St. Augustine, a 18-year-old beat a teenager in a drunken stupor. He was completely blue at noon: A test showed 2.2 parts per thousand. He was put into the drunk tank.